Cakes. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love cakes in a million ways. I love everything about them but I must admit that I haven't tried 'normal' (white sugar, white flour, butter) cakes since I was 12 years old. I started making my own cakes when I was roughly 20 years old and I have never looked back. My husband used to be SUCH a sweet tooth when he was younger. Sometimes when he came home from school he would make a whole chocolate cake, just for himself. He also went through 2 packets of biscuits in no time and without even adding a pound to his frame. I know because I was there (don't worry, we weren't married until we were a lot older)! He used to love all the cakes his granny and aunties made, he used to look forward to each family celebration as it meant cakes and more cakes. Absolute sugar overload (they don't kid around with their sugar). However, this has all changed now. He refuses to eat cakes that I don't make and finds that the 'normal' cakes are revolting. It is not unusual for it to happen because your taste buds adapt when you lessen your sugar intake. Just bare in mind that I never ever said that he couldn't eat the cakes he wanted, he is more than welcome to eat any cake he likes. It's just that I don't make them and because I make all the other cakes which he finds so good, he has gotten used to them. Thankfully he is not the only person that finds them nice. Otherwise this would just be a website for us to weirdos!

Almond and Pine Nut Cake with Sweet Potato Frosting
You might think it strange to make a cake with a sweet potato frosting? Sounds ridiculous, I know. You will have to trust me on this one though.

Almond Coconut Loaf with a Bilberry Base
I love fresh blueberries, especially the lovely bilberries found in the Icelandic highlands (and in some other parts of the world).

Banana- and Data Cake
This is a simple yet delicious cake. I often make it for my family on lazy Sundays. It goes well with a glass of cold milk (or so my husband thinks).

Birthday Nut and Date Cake
I often make this cake for my birthday which is why it bears the same name. I love serving delicious cakes that are gluten free, egg free, lactose free and vegan.

Blueberry Cheesecake
Cheese cakes are often mistaken for healthy cakes although they are most often far worse than mine.

Carrot Cake (My Very First Cake)
This is the very, very first cake that I baked. I am ashamed to say that I was 24 years old.

Carrot Cake with Almond and Coconut Frosting
This is quite an unusual cake but I love it, especially since I never, ever eat the frosting you would find on "normal" cakes but this one is creamy and looks very much like the real thing, only a

Carrot Cake with Quark and Date Frosting
This is one of my husband's favourite cakes. He gets soooo happy when I make it, he almost jumps with joy. This is a low fat carrot cake with a low fat frosting.

Chocolate Frosting
This is a very low fat and healthy frosting and you can use it on any cake you think might benefit from a chocolate frosting.

Chocolate Fruit Cake
This is a dense, moist and very, very filling chocolate fruit cake. I normally don't serve this after a large meal because people simply can't eat much of it.

Lisa's French Chocolate Cake
Lisa Hjalt is a dear friend of mine and one of the site's super users. She is a mother of three young children and she also has time to make amazing and healthy food for her whole family.

Low Fat Chocolate Cake
I am not a fan of low-fat anything because my belief is that everything healthy should be eaten in moderation and our body needs healthy mono- (and poly-) unsaturated fats such as you migh

My Sister in Law's Apple Pie
My sister in law gave me this recipe although I am not sure where it is from originally.

Oatmeal and Jam Cake (Wedded Bliss Cake)
This cake is called Hjónabandssæla (Wedded Bliss Cake) in Iceland and is very popular in most households. It is similar to the Austrian Linzertorte.

Pineapple and Ginger Cake
This is a gluten free and lactose free cake which is excellent for people with those types of allergies/intolerance. The cake is moist and quite dense and becomes quite dark on top.