My idea of heaven is sitting in a bar, (a juice bar) with a healthy drink in my hand, talking to good friends. There is nothing that beats a vitamin packed drink to sip on a hot day. My two oldest brothers however (and my dad) would say that heaven was sitting in a bar without the 'juice' part. We are very unlike each other that way, which is fine, I respect that they like their beer. I love creating my own smoothies and juices and nothing, absolutely nothing beats bananas, peanut butter, soy milk and a squirt of agave nectar. That is what they must serve in heaven as the 'heavenly drink' (at least I feel like I am on a cloud surrounded by only good things and positive energy whenever I drink this smoothie). I also love milk shakes (home made obviously), teas, fruit and vegetable juices and nut milks. I have travelled extensively through Kenya and at every hotel, safari camp or lodge we have stayed at (and they are many) we are always brought ice cold and freshly squeezed fruit juices. The watermelon juice is still freshly imprinted on my taste buds. Once we were in Zanzibar and we arrived at a hotel which turned out to the incorrect one but they brought this juice and I sat down and it was so delicious and I didn't want to leave, so we sat there for ages, just drinking the right juice in the wrong location.

Apple and Grape Juice
This is one of the shortest recipe on my website. Short doesn't have to be bad though, right? This is a very refreshing and lovely drink, especially in summer.

Beet and Apple Detox Juice
This is a fantastically healthy juice, packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

Carrot and Celery Juice
Carrots and celery are a classic combination in the juice world and no wonder, I think it is amazing.

Carrot and Fruit Juice
This is more like a smoothie or a thick juice since the pear and nectarine are blended in a food processor or blender. You can also juice the fruits if you prefer a thinner juice.

Celery, Beet and Carrot Juice
If you are not into healthy eating, this drink probably might be a source of nightmares...it contains everything that "normal" people hate such as celery and beets (just add Brussel sprouts to comp

Cleansing Citrus Juice
When I was making this drink for the first time it reminded me so much of Kenya. The reason for that is that in Kenya you get green oranges.

Cleansing Pear, Carrot and Ginger Juice
This is a fantastic juice which I absolutely love and make several times each month.

Cooling Watermelon Drink from Mombasa
I will never forget the time we arrived in Diani Beach, Mombasa (Kenya), 2006. It was spring and the sun was absolutely baking.

Ginger, Carrot and Melon Juice
I prefer to use a Galia melon for this recipe but you can use whichever melon is in season (such as Honey Dew or Cantaloupe). Just make sure it is ripe.

Kiwi and Lime Juice
When my husband tasted this drink for the first time he said: "Mmmmm delicious, I would definitely buy this drink if sold somewhere".

Mint, Kiwi and Pineapple Juice
This is a fairly thick juice (more like a smoothie) but you don't need a juicer as you can blend the ingredients in a blender (or even a food processor).

Orange, Carrot and Ginger Juice
This is a lovely juice and one you could easily buy (overpriced, mind you) in a juice bar or a health food store as it is a classic combination.

Pear and Ginger Juice
This is a very cleansing and refreshing drink, perfect when pears are in season. Pears are rich in fibre and vitamin C and are very good for cleansing our systems.

Refreshing Pineapple and Coconut Drink from Uganda
It was a baking hot day in a town called Jinja, Uganda.

Sweet Dinosaur Juice
Well the juice is not exactly made from dinosaurs or for dinosaurs (I guess you figured that out) but they name is actually designed to make the juice more appealing for kids...and it works (at lea

Sweet Potato Morning Juice
This is a sweet and delicious juice which has one unusual ingredient, sweet potato. Don't be afraid to use it though, you won't detect any potato taste.