Suitable for all seasons

Chicken Chow Mein
The main ingredients of Chow Mein are meat, noodles, vegetables and onions but very varied between countries and continents.

Carrot Fritters
These fritters could be named carrot cakes (as they might be called in some countries). However I can't use the name 'cake' with anything savoury.

Biscotti with Macadamia Nuts and Cranberries
'Nice' is the first word that popped into my head when tasting these for the first time. I had in my mind to try a festive combination of orange, macadamia and cranberries and it went really well.

Nuts and Seeds Energy Cookies
These cookies are an excellent source of energy and they also provide complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and lots of vitamins and minerals.

Banana and Ginger Loaf
Bananas and Ginger sound like a strange combination yet they are a perfect match, trust me.

Pistachio and Coconut Treats
I have often seriously considered using a pad lock on my containers because when you make something so nice as these delicious treats, it's very, very hard to keep your fingers away.

Carrot Cake (My Very First Cake)
This is the very, very first cake that I baked. I am ashamed to say that I was 24 years old.

Banana Chicken with Raisins
Bananas and raisins are seriously strange ingredients to find in a dish containing chicken. However I promise you that you will be pleasantly surprised by how well they team up.

Chicken in Thai Green Curry Sauce with Coconut and Chili Rice
This is a lovely dish and although I am not fond of ready made sauces I make an exception in this case.

Thai Noodle Soup with Shrimp
This soup is so good and it is fairly quick if you can get your hands on some decent Thai green curry paste. The ones that are sold in health food stores are usually quite nice.