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Detox means according to the Oxford Dictionary: "The process of removing harmful substances from your body by only eating and drinking particular things"). There are loads of different detox diets out there. For some you would only drink watermelon or grape juice for a few days. For other detox diets you are meant to eat bean sprouts for a few days and only drink ginger water. And so on and so forth. You get the picture. Often people like me (who are not fanatic detoxers) want to do a little 'spring cleaning' on their body and minds during the months after Christmas although avoiding the extremes. The recipes in this section are a collection of recipes that are even more nourishing and contain even more vitamins than other recipes you will find on my website (although all the recipes are good for you). These recipes will give you that little bit of extra energy you need after those cold, dark winter months (especially if you live in the Northern hemisphere where it might still be snowing in April).

I am not overly fanatic when it comes to detox diets. My point of view is that your body should be getting loads of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants every day, not just through liquid (and I don't mean alcohol) a few days a year. Although my diet is extremely healthy, once in a while I feel the need to cut down on carbohydrates, soy products, dairy products, eggs and fat. I just listen to my body. Sometimes it doesn't ask for a spring cleaning but sometimes it does (especially after having two children in less than two years, your energy really gets zapped). The people that don't eat healthy in general might feel this need or they might not, depending on how tuned in they are to their bodies.

Most people feel energised after a few days on a detox diet and they feel somehow lighter and 'more awake'. Detox diet is however something that should not be done on a whim and you should always, always, always consult a doctor or a dietitian before fasting or before changing your diet drastically, even for a few days. Detox diets are normally not recommended for those that suffer from a serious illness or for pregnant women, the elderly or children. If you belong to one of those groups, please consult a professional before changing your diet.

Note that some of the recipes could perhaps be describes as not 'detox friendly' but they are lighter than the usual recipes or contain so many healthy ingredients and carry so many health benefits that they are justified in the 'detox' category. Traditionally people drink loads of juices during their detox and some people (like me) like to have clear and very light soups for dinner as well as steamed vegetables and loads of ginger tea.

It is my hope that these recipes will make you feel lighter and brighter.

The lovely soup of 4 Market Place, London

4 Market Place Cafe's Broccoli and Leek Soup

Maria and Pete are dear friends of ours who used to own and run a cafe called 4 Market Place in central London (very close to where we used to live).

My favourite remedy when I have a sore throat

A Drink for Sore Throats

I don't get a sore throat often and I rarely ever get a flu or a cold (thankfully).

A delicious smoothie although very sticky when in a hot car!

A Very Sticky Nairobi Banana Smoothie

Oh dear, oh dear. It was September 2007 and me and my husband were travelling in Kenya. We were waiting to fly back to London and had a couple of hours to spend.

Bean sprouts are packed with enzymes

Aduki Bean Sprouts

There are some tools available that are supposed to make your sprouting easier, however I have had fantastic results with just a glass jar and water.

Lovely and fresh cucumber salad

Almond and Cucumber Salad

I know I say this about nearly all my recipes but this one truly is amazingly healthy. It contains healthy fats, calcium, protein, fibre, antioxidants and minerals.

A light and refreshing drink and cleansing as well

Apple and Grape Juice

This is one of the shortest recipe on my website. Short doesn't have to be bad though, right? This is a very refreshing and lovely drink, especially in summer.

A lovely and simple dressing for every salad

Apple and Tamari Dressing

This is a lovely, fat free salad dressing which can also be served with nut patties, burgers, grilled vegetables and more.

A very filling and heart healthy smoothie

Avocado and Brazil Nut Smoothie

This smoothie is very filling, almost like a full meal. It is packed with fibre, protein, vitamins A, C and E, calcium and healthy, mono-unsaturated fats.

A tasty and colourful salad packed with vitamins

Avocado and Cantaloupe Salad with Lemon Grass Dressing

I love this salad, especially in the summertime. Cantaloupes are packed with Beta Carotene (which are converted into vitamin A in our bodies) and vitamin C and are very good for our eyes.

A very good smoothie for the digestive system

Avocado and Pineapple Smoothie

This is an excellent smoothie for the whole family. The pineapple contains Bromelain which is an enzyme that helps the digestive system.

A nice combination of texture, flavour and colour

Avocado Pineapple and Red Onion Salad

This salad is interesting and a bit different. You wouldn't necessarily bet on pineapple and red onion as a duet but it works!

A filling and healthy smoothie, perfect for breakfast or post-workout

Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie

This is one of the creamiest, loveliest, smoothie ever.

Fantastic energy bars, perfect as a snack

Banana, Date and Almond Bars

Have you ever experienced buying some healthy energy bars only to discover that they taste appalling? I have and I get really angry when that happens.

A vitamin packed juice, very lovely

Beet and Apple Detox Juice

This is a fantastically healthy juice, packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

A juice packed with iron, vitamins and vitality

Beet and Carrot Juice

This juice is packed with vitamins and goodness.

A wonderfully healthy salad with vibrant colours

Beet Salad with Parmesan and Rocket Leaves

This is the perfect late summer salad. It has vibrant colours and a slightly sweet taste with a peppery kick. I adore beets (beetroots), especially baked as it brings out their subtle sweetness.

Colourful and healthy ice lollies

Berry and Rhubarb Ice Lollies

These lollies are as colourful as they are healthy. They are layered and I always like layered colours in food because it is fun to look at and gives you a mini selection of different tastes.

Lovely and blue, just for you

Blueberry and Banana Ice Cream

Yum..I absolutely love this ice cream. When I first made it I made a large batch and put the leftover into the freezer and then completely forgot about it.

A super healthy ice cream, absolutely packed with antioxidants

Blueberry and Chocolate Ice Cream

Blueberries and chocolate are a fairly unusual combination, at least in an ice cream.

A brilliantly healthy drink

Blueberry and Coconut Water Smoothie

What can I say.....if there was a competition for the most healthy drink, this would probably get first prize...and the second...and the third...It would also receive an honorary award for being ex

A smoothie rich in fibre, antioxidants and calcium

Blueberry and Pear Smoothie

Pears are quite amazing.

So delicious and so simple

Blueberry Tea

This is my favourite tea when blueberries are in season although I often make it with frozen blueberries as well.

A very healthy juice, packed with vitamins

Carrot and Celery Juice

Carrots and celery are a classic combination in the juice world and no wonder, I think it is amazing.

A lovely juice, and packed with antioxidants and vitamins

Carrot and Fruit Juice

This is more like a smoothie or a thick juice since the pear and nectarine are blended in a food processor or blender. You can also juice the fruits if you prefer a thinner juice.

An easy and very healthy salad, the perfect side dish for the barbecue

Carrot, Pineapple and Sultana Salad

An easy and very healthy salad, the perfect side dish for the barbecue. I have tasted a similar version of this salad several times in Kenya.