When I was a little girl, the epitome of sophistication (in my view) was opening up a pack of Royale pudding (a well known brand in Iceland) and stirring it with cold water. In a few minutes you had yourself a chocolate mousse. It was fabulous. It didn't like the taste of it but I found the idea absolutely brilliant. Nowadays I would rather eat mud than this ready made pudding. I make my own mousse which is absolutely lovely.
I like making my own stuff, such as power bars which can be so, so unhealthy if you are not careful with what you are buying. There is so much rubbish out there, especially considering the trail food market. You can fool anyone into thinking that a power bar is healthy, if it's just called 'power bar' or 'healthy granola bar' even though it contains more sugar and fat and synthetic stuff than most hard candy from the sweet shop. At least I know exactly what I put into my power bars and its just nuts, dried fruits, cocoa powder and that sort of stuff. It's real food, real power, all the way.
There are other lovely recipes to be found here as well such as cashew cream (perfect if you are allergic to dairy), traditional Icelandic pancakes and waffles, home made peanut butter, a Kenyan fruit salad, patties, compotes, jams and more, chocolate frosting and more.

Banana Patties
These patties are gluten free, dairy free and nut free. They are perfect if you have over ripe bananas lying around.

Banana, Date and Almond Bars
Have you ever experienced buying some healthy energy bars only to discover that they taste appalling? I have and I get really angry when that happens.

Blueberry Patties
Every mum and granny (and some dads and granddads) know how to make patties made out of leftover porridge or rice pudding. They are called "lummur" in Icelandic.

Cashew Cream
This is an egg free, lactose free, gluten free and vegan cream, perfect for those that have food intolerances. I often make this cream for myself as I am not big on the cream made from dairy.

Cashew Cream Buns with Strawberry Jam
The Monday, seven weeks before Easter, the tradition in Iceland is to serve Bollur (buns) and the day is called Bolludagur (Bun Day).

Chocolate and Banana Mousse
This is a rich and creamy mousse and very healthy since it contains mono-unsaturated fats from the cashew nuts, antioxidants from the cocoa powder and cocoa nibs and potassium from the bananas (whi

Chocolate Frosting
This is a very low fat and healthy frosting and you can use it on any cake you think might benefit from a chocolate frosting.

Chocolate Rice Cakes
I often make these because they are perfect as a treat in my lunch box. They provide me with energy but are not filled with sugar since the only sugar is from the raw cane sugar of the chocolate.

Coconut and Banana Salad
My sister in law, Elin (who has travelled extensively through Africa along with my brother) often makes this accompaniment and serves with Indian or African food.

Cream Buns with Jam
The Monday, seven weeks before Easter, the tradition in Iceland is to serve Bollur (buns) and the day is called Bolludagur (Bun Day).

Date and Banana Mousse
I don't normally eat mousse since it often contains raw eggs (which I am not fond of) and/or gelatin which I would never, ever put into my mouth.

Date and Nut Bar
I make my own energy bars because a) it is cheaper than buying them and b) I like to know what I am putting into my body.

Date Jam
I use this jam for everything...as a layer when making cakes, on my toast, with hummus, on oatmeal biscuits, in my yoghurt and on waffles. It just goes with everything and is so easy to make.

East African Fruit Salad
In every upmarket hotel/lodge I have stayed in when travelling in East Africa (and they are many) a fresh fruit salad is served at the end of a meal.

Flap Jack (Power Bar)
I love home made muesli bars (flap jacks) as much as I detest the junk you can find in some stores. Often this junk is labelled ("energy bars", "power bars" or something equally wrong).

Traditionally in Iceland, whenever there is a birthday party, a funeral, a graduation or any other social gathering, Icelandic women (and nowadays men as well) make pancakes and they make a lot as usually there is a huge stack which vanishes at lightning speed.

Pineapple and Passion Fruit with Toasted Coconut Flakes
This is an extremely easy, cheap and healthy dessert to make.

Power Bars with Carob Frosting
These are fantastic power bars, ones that I make very often for me and my husband. They are packed with healthy mono-unsaturated fats, protein, complex carbohydrates and slow releasing energy.

Power Bars with Chocolate Protein Frosting
My husband says he can't go through the day without having at least one or two of those. Which is why I always make a large batch and keep in the fridge.

Protein Frosting for Protein Bars
If you are making protein bars and want added protein and some sweetness, you can make this protein frosting. It is actually like a frosting on cakes but only a little healthier.

Protein Super Bars
These power bars are absolutely packed with protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy mono-unsaturated fats and well....power. You will almost fell like a superhero when eating these.

Raisin Patties
I often make a LOT of these in one go and then freeze. I use two pans at once so that I can make two or three patties at once.

Rhubarb and Date Compote
Rhubarb is an excellant plant. It may benefit those with high cholesterol and it also provides a good source of vitamin C, fibre, potassium and calcium.

Rhubarb Jam
I love rhubarb jam, I use it on waffles, on yoghurt, on toast and wherever I can because it is very, very good for you.