Bread Rolls / Buns
Bread rolls / buns take very little time to put together. You just mix the dry ingredients together (you can even do this the day before) and put them in a big bowl. You then mix the wet ingredients together and pour them into the big bowl. You give everything a swirl or five until just combined (be careful not to over mix) and then drop the dough onto a baking sheet. Simple as that. I often make bread rolls in the morning before going to work because they are so quick to make. There is no kneading, heaving or waiting. The bread rolls are a little denser and heavier than the ones made with yeast but who cares as long as the cheese melts between a bread roll sliced in two?

Bread Rolls (Buns) for every occasion
This recipe is an adaptation of a recipe I found in a popular Icelandic cooking book called Af Bestu Lyst II (With Good Appetite II).

Coconut and Pistachio Rolls (Buns)
This might somehow sound like a strange combination, pistachios, hazelnuts and coconut in a bread but somehow it works and quite well I might add.

Coconut Rolls (Buns)
These rolls are my all time favourite and I love the mild taste of coconut. It is far from overpowering so you can actually enjoy this bread with anything from mild cheese to pesto.

Pesto, Parmesan and Olive Bread
I tried these bread rolls with an African Zanzibar tomato soup I often make.