If you feel like sharing your thoughts on this website, the recipes you have tried from it or anything else, go ahead.
© CafeSigrun 2025
If you feel like sharing your thoughts on this website, the recipes you have tried from it or anything else, go ahead.
22. Nov. 2012
nice to see your homepage, wonderful pictures, very inviting....but WHERE is your coffee house?? Cannot find any information about that on your site.
kind regards Mía
22. Nov. 2012
Thank you Mía, for your kind comment.
There is no cafe :) It's just online :) Sorry to confuse you!!!
01. Oct. 2012
Hi, how long does the date jam keep for if it is not opened as you are not using any gelling agent or preserving sugar in the date jam?
Ms Anwar
01. Oct. 2012
I have kept my date jam in the fridge in a closed, steralized jar for up to 4 weeks. However you can freeze the jam as well and even freeze in small containers, so that you can thaw small portions when convenient.
Hope this helps.