Desserts / Treats
I love desserts, absolutely adore them although only the healthy ones of course as I would never eat the 'butter-white flour-white sugar-icing sugar' versions of cakes, cookies and what have you. The main ingredients (all organic) in my baking are: nuts and nut butters (mainly peanut-, almond- or cashew butter), tahini (sesame paste), coconut oil, rapeseed oil, agave nectar, maple syrup, raw cane sugar, dates, raisins, baby food / apple sauce, spelt flour, barley flour and so the list goes on. Perhaps not the most obvious ingredients but they are widely available in health food stores and you can also find them in the health food section of your larger supermarket. I am very keen on raw cakes although I bake many of my cakes as well, it depends on my mood, the occasion and the time I have available. I also love raw ice creams because they don't use any cream, eggs, butter or anything that might clog veins.
The fat is often limited in my baking (for example I might use one tablespoon coconut oil and a whole jar of baby food instead of using 200 grams of butter. The downside of using lesser fat is that the baking won't always keep for long although you can freeze most of what you make and use it later. Also the cookies tend to require a bit more fat to become crunchy. It's just not fun biting into a soft cookie which is supposed to be crunchy! So wherever I can save 1000 calories and a 100 grams of fat, I do. If the fat is absolutely required, I will use more. My husband is very happy with this policy because it means he can eat a lot more of everything (because it has fewer calories and lesser fat than traditional baking!).

Almond Cookies with Chocolate Frosting
Almonds are packed with calcium and protein and macadamia nuts also contain healthy stuff, notably the mono-unsaturated fats which are good for our heart.

A Selection of Baked Fruits with Ice Cream
I quite like warm, ripe fruits. I first had this dessert after dinner one time at my brother's place. Smári, my youngest brother is a very good cook and so is his wife Anna Stína.

A Simple Chocolate Cake
I don't eat "normal" cakes and haven't done so since I was 12 years old. For about 15 years I didn't taste anything sweet apart from fruits (imagine how crazy my friends found me).

Albert's Carrot Cake
This is a recipe that one of the website's users sent me one day. It's a raw carrot cake recipe and absolutely divine. It is packed with vitamins, protein, healthy fats and fibre.

Almond and Pine Nut Cake with Sweet Potato Frosting
You might think it strange to make a cake with a sweet potato frosting? Sounds ridiculous, I know. You will have to trust me on this one though.

Almond Coconut Loaf with a Bilberry Base
I love fresh blueberries, especially the lovely bilberries found in the Icelandic highlands (and in some other parts of the world).

American Blueberry and Walnut Muffins
Blueberries are so called "super foods" as they contain a lot of antioxidants. They also contain iron and vitamin C and are therefore very good for you if you are anaemic.

Apple and Bran Muffins
Ever since I was little, growing up in Iceland I dreamt of keeping an apple tree. I love apples and my father always used to slice an apple each night when watching his TV programs.

Apple and Raisin Muffins
I love these muffins freshly baked. I often make them when I have apples that are turning slightly soft (past their best).

Apple and Walnut Cake
This cake is very heart friendly and good for you since it contains omega 3 fatty acids, a special type of protective fat the body can not manufacture.

Australian ANZAC Biscuits
I have read several stories about the origin of the ANZAC Biscuits (never to be called cookies) and some myths are prevalent.

Banana and Carob Chip Cookies
These are very simple and easy to make. I use tahini (sesame paste) quite a lot.

Banana and Chocolate Chip Cookies
There is something wicked about chocolate and bananas. Think grilled bananas with dark, organic chocolate melting on top...for me...that is heaven.

Banana and Date Cookies
These cookies are sweet without being too sweet. They are also moist and absolutely wonderful when freshly baked.

Banana and Ginger Loaf
Bananas and Ginger sound like a strange combination yet they are a perfect match, trust me.

Banana and Nut Cake with Lemon and Coconut Frosting
This is an easy and simple cake to make as you don't need to bake it. It is the perfect cake to make if you are having guests over in an hour and don't have anything prepared.

Banana Loaf
Banana bread is the perfect recipe for those black and bruised bananas which you think that you need to chuck out.

Banana Muffins
When I was growing up I wasn't allowed to experiment in the kitchen. In fact I was hardly allowed to use any utensils, pots, pans or ingredients.

Banana Patties
These patties are gluten free, dairy free and nut free. They are perfect if you have over ripe bananas lying around.

Banana, Date and Almond Bars
Have you ever experienced buying some healthy energy bars only to discover that they taste appalling? I have and I get really angry when that happens.

Banana- and Data Cake
This is a simple yet delicious cake. I often make it for my family on lazy Sundays. It goes well with a glass of cold milk (or so my husband thinks).

Berry and Rhubarb Ice Lollies
These lollies are as colourful as they are healthy. They are layered and I always like layered colours in food because it is fun to look at and gives you a mini selection of different tastes.

Birthday Nut and Date Cake
I often make this cake for my birthday which is why it bears the same name. I love serving delicious cakes that are gluten free, egg free, lactose free and vegan.

Biscotti with Almonds
This biscotti recipe contains raw cane sugar and spelt flour and virtually no fat.

Biscotti with Macadamia Nuts and Cranberries
'Nice' is the first word that popped into my head when tasting these for the first time. I had in my mind to try a festive combination of orange, macadamia and cranberries and it went really well.